Book Review: So Many Hungers!

Title: So Many Hungers! Author: Bhabhani Bhattacharya Publisher: Orient Paperbacks Pages: 205 ISBN: 9788122205824 Source: Personal Copy So Many Hungers is a modern Indian classic that depicts a dreadful picture of the Bengal Famine of 1943. Along with the famine and the pathos of the sufferers, the novel brings forth the spirit of nationalism and … Continue reading Book Review: So Many Hungers!

The Blue Sky Tag

Hello! Lovely bloggers. Here's a tag. Thanks to Daljit for tagging me. Without wasting much time, let's start with it. Rules: Thank the person who tagged you. Give 11 questions. Tag as many people as you want to. Answer the 11 questions given to you. Questions: How do you describe yourself?  – I'm basically a family oriented … Continue reading The Blue Sky Tag

Book Review: Think with Me

Title: 'Think with me: Fundamentals for making our country ideal' Author: Subrata Roy Sahara Publisher: Rupa Publications ISBN: 9788129142252 Pages: 111 Source: Writersmelon "Think with me" is second book by the author in the 'Thoughts from Tihar' trilogy. It is written specifically for Indian writers. As the title suggests this book is aimed at presenting to the … Continue reading Book Review: Think with Me