Book Review: Fidelity by Thich Nhat Hanh

Anyone who has been regularly following my reading updates would know that I am not the type of person who reads self help and motivational books. Yet I was interested in this latest publication by Aleph Book Company. This was primarily because of the brand name of the author- Thich Nhat Hanh. I have not read any book by him but I wanted to give this one a try. Having finished this rather short book, I am quite happy with my experience.

The book is subtitled ‘How to create a loving relationship that lasts’. So that is what you can expect from this book. The book manages to fulfil what it promises, without being preachy at any moment. And this is what I believe is the strength of this book. The reason why I don’t like reading self-help books is that they tend to be instructive and dogmatic. But this book was different in that respect, and therefore I cherished my experience of reading it.

The book does not straightaway begin with its proposed theme; it progresses gradually towards that topic, beginning first with some of the basic principles of the practice of Zen Buddhism. I found it to be a great strategy, and I also feel that what ultimately emerges as the major takeaway from this book are those very principles only, and not the advice concerning fidelity in a relationship. This is not to say that the passages on fidelity aren’t that good, because as I have mentioned earlier the book does succeed in fulfilling what it promises.

For those who haven’t read anything by Thich Nhat Hanh, I feel, this book is a great starting point. Not only is it very short in length, but it also presents the arguments very convincingly so that the reader is never lost in abstract ideas. However those who have read the earlier works of the author might find certain ideas being repeated in this one. I say this just on the basis of my reading of this book. So I might be wrong. As a final word I would say that this one is definitely recommended.

My Rating: **** (4.25/5)

What do you think about this book? Have you read any other works of Thich Nhat Hanh? Do you enjoy reading self-help books? Do share your views. Thanks.

I was kindly sent a copy by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Views expressed are entirely personal and unbiased.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Fidelity by Thich Nhat Hanh

  1. Thanks for your review of ” FIDELITY” written by Thich Nhat Hanh.
    I have had exposure to T N H writings through the news paper” Times of India” in their regular column on “Speaking Tree” in which they used to publish excerpts from books authored by Thich Nhat Hanh.
    His recent demise is a loss to all his followers around the world. However, i used to wonder, how a Buddhist Monk like him choose to go into a kind of business model to reach out to interested audience in Buddhist thought & way of life.
    HE started PLUM Village Monastry in France and from there such villages were established in other countries. Incidentally the very title he has choosen that is “Fidelity” & sub title is influenced by the fact that his life and times in U S A brought him face to face with how American society is gradually becoming a dysfuntional society with huge single mothers, high divorce rates and many many unwed mothers running their household. [ I may be out & out wrong in my assumption] .
    His reasoning is that in Western culture , Marriage is fundamnetally seen as a kind of contractual relationship. That is why they have the system of prenuptial contract system in their marriage Institution. Be that as it may , the real issue as perceived by T N H is that not many U S / European partners in marriage often donot understand the concept of Uuconditional love to each other as an integral part of Marriage. The breakdown of Marriage, unwed mothers, kids from failed marriage household was having a dramatic influence of the kids which adult partners notwithstanding their high academic & career achievements could not comprehend and work on the issue of Unconditonal love to make relationships lasting .
    In a subtle way he T N H used to address this issue in his talks in public platform starting with the percepts of Buddihism and gradually taking along his audience on the need for companssion and love to fellow humans beings and the natural world around us. Much before T N H came on the scene Lebanese poet /Philosopher Khalil Gibran in his various writings has vividly written about endearing values of life .
    Good that you have favourable rated the book so that it will kindle interest among readers.
    Thanks and Good luck

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